Membership Categories

Non-Profit Membership: This category is for all nonprofit organizations with a Washington, DC presence. Dues levels for non-profit members are based on the organization's annual revenue and outlined in the table to the right.

Affiliate Membership: Nonprofit organizations that are located outside of Washington, DC area and do not have a representative in the Washington, DC area (and therefore cannot leverage all membership benefits) may join as an affiliate for a reduced membership fee of $560.

Corporate Membership: All corporations that support the health continuum are eligible to apply for corporate membership at an annual dues rate of $10,000.

Friend of CHF: This affiliate category is open to all consultants and firms, regardless of whether or not the clients are members of the Coalition, and allows them access to the Coalition’s daily newsletter. Dues for this category are $1,500 per year.

“All membership applications are subject to approval by the Board”


For more information, please contact the Coalition’s interim executive director, Erin Morton at 202.484.1100 or 

Non-profit dues are tiered based on the organization’s annual revenue and are as follows for 2024:

Organization’s Annual Revenue Dues Level
Less than $1 million $2,900
$1 million - $5 million $4,635
$5 million - $15 million $5,200
$15 million - $30 million $6,650
$30 million - $100 million $6,835
$100 million+ $7,250

Click here to view our dues schedule document through 2024.